
Accelerate your learning innovations with our new innovSpur Programme with a grant of up to $500,000. Scale up your learning solutions to commercially marketable solutions.

innovSpur, together with the Innovation Sandbox, are the new anchor programs of the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency’s (SSG) national initiative on iN.LEARN 2.0. 

(Please see “About iN.LEARN 2.0” below for more information.)

innovSpur supports the scaling up and early adoption of viable learning innovations with:

  • Up to $500,000 grant (or 75% of the project value)
  • Live-testing support, in real market and customer conditions

If you are an EdTech solutionist looking to scale up your offerings, or an organisation looking to be an early adopter of a viable learning innovation, innovSpur can help you to better bridge the developmental challenges typically faced in these circumstances.

For EdTech solutionists, whether you had developed a prototype as part of the innovPlus programme, or independently developed a viable learning innovation, innovSpur offers the funding and product-testing support to help take your innovation all the way to its ultimate form—a commercially marketable product—by that, advancing innovation in the Training and Adult Education (TAE) sector.

By participating in innovSpur, you will be eligible to apply and may be accepted into an Innovation Sandbox program, that provides solutionists a conducive space for the experimentation and implementation of innovative CET solutions by granting time-limited regulatory waivers so that courses delivered using these innovative solutions can be eligible for SkillsFuture Singapore Agency’s (SSG) course fee funding and/or SkillsFuture credit for up to 2 years.

Click here to see our past innovSpur winners!

Application for innovSpur Run 4 is now open!

innovSpur Programme Briefing

innovSpur Run 4: Clinic Sessions* 

Contact Us

For innovSpur and Innovation Sandbox query, please send email to the following contacts accordingly:


Ivan Lee (;

Selyn Chen (


inlab (

*Clinic sessions are 1-1 sessions with our innovSpur team, to guide you through the qualification and application process.

innovSpur Run 4 (2025) - Clinic Sessions

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innovSpur Run 4 (2025) Submission Requirement

1) InnovSpur Run 4 (2025) Final Application Deck comprises of the Proposal and Annexes. The Proposal and Annexes files must be (i) stored in a non-returnable storage media in the form of a 1 x USB Flash Drive and (ii) all printed out in hardcopy (do not bind).

2) These abovementioned (i) and (ii) items must be submitted BY HAND by Friday, 17 January 2025, 4:00 P.M. Singapore Time, to the following address

Innovation Centre Office, Institute for Adult Learning

11 Eunos Road 8, #06-03 (Innovation Lab),

Lifelong Learning Institute, Singapore 408601

And personally handled over to either:

Ivan Lee ( ) or Selyn Chen ( 

You will then get an email acknowledgment within the next 24 hours.

Take Note:

  • Highly recommended to include a short video clip (2-4min) and PowerPoint files.
  • Please provide contactable mobile number in the submission in the event that clarification is required.
  • Suggest NOT to zip files in case of file(s) corruption.
  • Standby for clarifications (if any) in the next 3 weeks.

3) If application successfully reached the Final Stage, applicant will do a blind pitching cum Q&A (dates to be furnished later on) to the External Reviewers.

innovSpur Application Forms (20241201)