Critical Core Skills Profiling Study

Commissioned by the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), the Institute for Adult Learning is conducting a study to establish the core skills profiles of a range of occupation groups along with the general mode and nature of core skills development within and between those groups. This study consists of two phases.

Phase One

Employed Singapore Residents aged 20 to 70 from selected households will be chosen to take part in this survey. IAL has appointed ML Research Consultants Pte Ltd (MLRC), a research agency based in Singapore, to conduct the survey for Phase One of this study. Selected households will receive a letter and be contacted by one of the interviewers from MLRC to take part in this survey from June 2021 to February 2022. The survey is estimated to take about 30 minutes to complete, and as a token of appreciation, participants will receive S$20 worth of shopping vouchers. In view of the current COVID-19 situation, precautionary measures will be in place to ensure the safety and well-being of participants.

Phase Two

Selected participants from Phase One will be invited to take part in Phase Two interviews. As a token of appreciation, participants who are involved in Phase Two interviews will receive S$70 worth of shopping vouchers.


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