Training, Skills and Skills Utilisation

By Prof Francis Green, Prof Andy Green, Dr Golo Henseke, Dr Neil Kaye and Dr Hao Phan

This is a collaborative research piece between IAL and UCL Institute of Education’s LLAKES and CGHE research centres. 

The first objective of this collaboration is to assess the current state of the Singaporean graduate labour market through the lens of graduate jobs and provide important intelligence on demand trends in times of continued expansion of higher education and changing demand patterns brought on by technological change and increased competition on globalised markets. 

The second objective is to draw on the OECD PISA and PIAAC data to explore the variation across countries, and in particular Singapore, in changes to levels and distributions of core skills (Literacy, Numeracy and Problem-Solving) between age 15 and early adulthood, through the stage of upper-secondary education and training.