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Grant Call 2019

From classroom training to workplace practice: Understanding workers’ learning motivation, skill acquisition and skill utilisation in the context of Continuing Education and Training (CET)

Dr Lee Ai Noi, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Continuous education and training (CET) opportunities available to workers is crucial to ensure a relevant and resilient workforce. Using a three-time point design of data collection, this study aims to examine the influence of individual and workplace situational factors on workers’ learning motivation, skill acquisition and skill utilisation before and after completion of a CET course; and whether a more structured workplace learning context can increase the likelihood of individual skill utilisation.

Project Summary by PI here
Grant Call 2019

Development and Evaluation of Building Resilience@Work Training among Healthcare Workers

Associate Professor Lau Ying, National University of Singapore

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a self-paced training programme (that includes six online sessions, self-monitoring, homework, peer and therapist supports) on resilience, job engagement, intention to leave, employability, and work performance. This study also seeks to explore healthcare workers’ experience of the training programme.

Project Summary by PI here
Grant Call 2019

Evaluating the effectiveness of digital-game-based learning for professional upskilling

Associate Professor Goh Yang Miang, National University of Singapore

This study examines the effectiveness of digital game-based learning (DGBL) through empirical testing of a theoretical authentic learning environment (ALE) model building on a model previously developed by the research team that comprises three factors (task authenticity, knowledge co-construction, and expert modelling) for achievement of surface learning (i.e. knowledge retention) and deep learning (application, re-contextualisation, and innovation). The outcome of the research will be a toolkit for evaluating DGBL and a protocol of designing, fitting and evaluating DGBL for professional upskilling.

Project Summary by PI here

Currently Closed

WDARF Grant Call 2022